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Thank You! =)

♥ Life-tale of HER.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

BM Oral -.-

I seriously think I lost my ability to memorize my script already. =.=!

Cannotttt! This is NOT happeningggg!


my topic is like one of the easiest!

P L K N (National Service!)

I printed out my script & all I have to do is memorize.

Definition of Oral please?

There's a lot of people who define oral as.. find informations, understand & speak to your ability but some define it as .. memorizing script?

ShirLey is Lazyy :(

9:21 PM

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

First of all..


Happy Birthday, Owen (:


OMG. I didn't remember this blog turns 1 year old today until the birthday boy reminded me.


& I am so proud to say that this is the longest blog I ever had :D

When I started this blog, I tried many many ways to make my blog interesting & I got a camera so badly because of this blog. To post up those interesting pictures here. & I did.


It didn't last :(

Last time, no matter where I go, I would bring my camera along. To take whatever pictures I could...

Now, my camera is left collecting dust.

5:09 PM

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Ok. So i didn't get to quit my blog. It feels wrong and quitting my blog tends to hunt me.

What's wrong with blogging anyway & I wondered what made me wanted to quit my blog :/

Studying Perdagangan now. As usual. Last minute studying.

Can't wait exams to be over! Wanna have more time doing things that I like & no pressure! =/ I cant even sleep properly during exams & I ended up with eyebags.

It's FUN typing on my laptop, blogging on my bed` What I've always dream of when I was using desktop. Studying on my bed too. Having stomache. Don't usually lie on my bed to study :'/

Thank GOD for my rajin-ness this evening i finally understood the calculations!

Dividen Atas Modal.
Jumlah rebat = Lebihan-Rizab-DAM
Kadar Rebat = Rebat/Jumlah langganan.

Aiyah. Let me show off a bit mar! -.-

Hope i do well for my Perdagangan tomorrow =/

Good Luck to me.

9:10 PM

Friday, April 4, 2008

Haihs~! Moral! So disappointed la... freaking 8 pages of structure questions + 2 essays! I go @.@~ lor. Never written that much before~ haihs. Hopefull results come out okayy..

8:38 PM

Monday, March 31, 2008

I feel so nervous & excited at the same time! I finally decided to take accounting as my extra SPM subject. My tuition starts tomorrow.


Busy like a bee lor. Sien.

I promise myself to do my best & not disappoint my mum :D Got extra A to get, who don't want right? (:


10:11 PM

Sunday, March 30, 2008

It's 7.22am now. I woke up suffering from a sore-throat. Went to the toilet & wanted to get back to sleep but I just can't. The pain is just irresistable.

7:21 AM


As I stood alone, staring at the empty sky.. watching the clouds moving, watching the birds flying freely in the air...

Sometimes, I really don't understand the life of growing up. Don't get me wrong, I am NOT emo-ing =.=`

It's just that, I tend to get carried away & I suppose this is the only place where I could let it all out. I just realize how short life is & how I've been treating my life for granted. Never doing things that I should be doing, never taking the initiative to do things which would just change my life. Sometimes, I know that I can't expect anyone to understand me. I can't expect someone to look into my eyes and tell me, "I know. I know. I understand" & actually mean it. Since young, I understood the meaning of betrayal & the meaning of broken promises.

Looking back into my past, I really hated them. Sometimes, I just wished I could just "delete" them from my life & never to remember those awful memories. But as the wind blows, all those memories tend to come back to me & hunt me. As if asking me not to forget it but to have a good laugh at it & grow up.

At this moment, I felt like my life is filled with dramas & I know it's not only mine. I bet you, yes YOU have many "dramas" in your life before.

As I'm typing this, my emotions are totally mixed up, like always.

I know I had tonnes of awful memories before but they are really memorable ones. Those that I could not forget & shall never try to. I guess as we grow up someday, everything would be different. Looking at the same thing in different angles.

& I guess... growing up is just apart of life & every single person living today will have to face it.


& I've changed my blogskin once again. Loving it as it's a really simple & plain skin. No chatbox at the moment.

Blogging as if no one's reading`

12:54 AM